+44 7943 276093 diane@dianewild.com
Build your backup team

Build your backup team

Maybe there are some superhuman communicators who can do it all for every situation — strategy, writing, social media, design, video, web development, you name it — and while I’d envy the talent, I wouldn’t envy the sleep deprivation. With so...
Slide into Slack for communications strategists

Slide into Slack for communications strategists

I love reading and research and gaining high level appreciation of many topics. But there’s no better way to really learn and understand something than through experience. That’s the entire reason I have a Snapchat account. I can now safely say that if that particular...
5 quick and easy online video makers

5 quick and easy online video makers

We’ve been told for years that online video is king, but I’ll admit I’m a video skeptic. Video can be the best way to communicate, but it better be the best way if I’m going to grab my headphones, or use my data plan, or spend three minutes...
“Everyone” doesn’t always mean everyone

“Everyone” doesn’t always mean everyone

When I took Psych 101, as a prelude to a discussion on implicit association my professor demonstrated that we tend to have ingrained specifics for various common nouns. He asked us to write down what we thought of when he said flower, dog, furniture. Then he asked us...
Hello, can you hear me?

Hello, can you hear me?

Last week was awful for high-profile stories of despair, and wonderful for people encouraging those who are struggling to reach out. A common sentiment on social media was that we could all do better at checking in with each other. Last week also saw the release of a...

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